
Lisa Allen


Do you ever wish you had your own Christian life coach? You don’t have to live in the same city or even meet one on one to grow from Lisa’s faith-based coaching style. She has a unique ability to speak to a room of 25 or 1000 women and make them feel like they are having a cup of coffee one on one with a friend, coach and sister in Christ. Through her keynotes, retreats and workshops (in-person or online), audiences will gain:

  • Deeper self-awareness leading to a godly confidence to trade the lens of this world for the lens of God and remove the pitfalls of obstacles that have held you back in the past. Psalm 139:14
  • Assurance that your life has meaning and purpose as you learn more about how to aim your life for greater impact by understanding how your experiences can be used to give hope and meaning to others as you glorify God. Ephesians 2:10
  • Hope-building faith as you walk through life transitions, grieving closed doors, yet walking into open doors toward a new season of life. Ecclesiastes 3
  • The ability to create a life that not only has meaning, but also margin to live a sustainable pace by learning to say yes to the right things, not just good things and courage to say no to good things to make room for greater things. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
  • Creating goals and planning the time to accomplish your priorities and live your values. Luke 14:28, Philippians 3:14
  • Tools in your personal toolbox to feel personal and professional empowerment. Hebrews 13:21

After Lisa’s sessions, women find practical application that helps them reach their fullest potential and live their best lives in order leave God’s mark on their world.

Lisa comes with a combined two decades of non-profit leadership with Proverbs 31 Ministries as well as a staff of a large church as a Women’s Director. These 20 years of experience give her a unique connection to and understanding of women of faith, women pursuing faith and women desiring to walk out their faith authentically.

Anyone who spends any time with Lisa can attest that she enjoys the certifications she’s received for Enneagram Training, Team Coaching, DISC Personality Profile and Gallup StrengthsFinder. She is the author of "What you value is Valuable" which she uses to help people identify and live their values. Lisa lives in Charlotte, NC with her husband and has two grown children and a darling Yorkie, PJ.

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Speaking Topics

  • {multi-session}

    Have you ever wondered why God made you the way He did? Why are people so different than you? Why can’t they just do things “your way”? Let’s get ready to have some fun and look into God’s vertical mirror to see how He created us. As we learn our wiring, we become aware of the wiring of those around us as. Then, our relationships become strengthened and communication improved. In the session you will:

    • Identify your “shoe” personality style.
    • Learn how other “shoe” personality styles compliment and challenge your style.
    • Put tools in your relationship toolbox to help you gain Godly confidence in your wiring.

    God made you with His perfect design in mind. Your “shoe” is the perfect fit.

  • God has a dream for your life. What is your first reaction when you hear that statement? Are you hesitant that God would put His dream in you to impact others? Have you pursued a dream that has led you to disillusionment or to give up in it (or God) altogether? In this session, you will:

    • Anticipate and identify what part of the “dream dance” rhythm you are in.
    • Learn to adjust your pacing, confidence, schedule and calling to accommodate the rhythm.
    • Move forward with a holy expectation of God’s dream in you to leave His mark on your world.
  • Carpool, career, marriage and parenting combined with Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter keep us running at a fast and hard pace. Statistics show the startling truth that burnout is on the rise as our capacity, margin and whitespace dwindles. In this session, we will focus on the only kind of leadership you cannot delegate - Self Leadership!

    Just as the world has changed, so must our self leadership in order to achieve a mastery of our capacity. In this workshop you will:

    • Participate in a self-assessment to help identify some of the symptoms and warning signs of burnout.
    • Learn the 3 areas of leadership that we need to guard in order to maximize our time, passions and energy.
    • Leave with practical action steps to help us adjust before we combust.

    By identifying the symptoms of burnout, we can learn to face our busy demands head on and redesign our rhythm to guard not only our capacity, but our hearts as well.

  • Join Lisa and her friend, Nicki Koziarz as they take your women on a journey over a fun, interactive and thought-provoking weekend “The Dream You Can’t Give Up On”. This 3 session conference or retreat will:

    • Provide a personality assessment wrapped in the fun of “What Shoe Are You?” as women learn how God has created them with strengths and weaknesses that lead to a Godly confidence about their wiring.
    • Learn the “Rhythm of a Dream and How to Dance to it” as they identify the 7 stages of a dream rhythm. This session will plant and water the seeds of the God dream embedded within each of us and how to persevere to the finish line of our dream, trusting God to take the lead in the rhythm dance.
    • Identify the” 5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn’t Quit” that will empower the dreams and callings upon each woman’s life. This study of Ruth will challenge and inspire women to keep going in the big and small areas of their lives.
    • Identify areas your wiring help you persevere or cause you to quit so that you can follow through on your God-dream.

    Allow for Q&A with Nicki and Lisa to further personalize each woman’s application of the messages.

  • Imagine someone shooting a bow and arrow blindfolded. How likely are they to hit their target? Yet, often, we approach our lives without taking aim or focus our decisions in order to guard the things that matter the most and make room for the assignment God has called you to. This workshop is designed to help you roll up your sleeves to create a succinct statement that will serve as a filter for decisions, activities and scheduling.

    In this session you will:

    • Prioritize your time with God
    • Identify the 3 parts of a Life Mission Statement
    • Learn to make no-regret decisions designed to protect our ministry calling
    • Shift from vague awareness of your calling to a clear statement of purpose

    Studies show that when you know what you’re aiming at, you’re more likely to hit your target.

  • Let’s look into the pages of Nehemiah to be comforted and challenged by the images of community that makes life better together.

    This workshop will unpack the 4 C’s of community as we learn about

    • COMMUNITY: Why we need healthy community to fight life’s battles;
    • CHOICES: The joy that comes from experiencing a variety of friendships;
    • COMFORT: How your wiring helps you understand what kind of friend you are;
    • CHARACTERISTICS: Characteristics of healthy friendships.

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What Others Are Saying About Lisa

“Lisa Allen is one of the best leaders and communicators I know. Her unique coaching and training skills will captivate your audience and keep them leaning in the entire time Lisa is speaking. I’ve personally benefited from her vast knowledge of StrengthFinders, the Enneagram, Spiritual Gifts, and developmental training for teams. And best of all she presents her wisdom with wit and in a winsome style that makes everyone uncross their arms and truly apply the information to their own lives.”
— Lysa TerKeurst New York Times bestselling author and President of Proverbs 31

“One of the things I look for in a speaker is authenticity. With honesty, humor and personal examples, she provides biblical wisdom anchored in the truth of who God has created us to be – the reflection of His image. The women who attended our retreat are still talking about the impact of Lisa’s messages. Our leadership team gained practical skills from Lisa’s training that help us work more effectively as a team as well.”
— Mary Ann Ruff, Women’s Ministry Director, Hope Church – Cordova, TN

“Lisa Allen is passionate about helping you discover your God-given potential so that you can make a difference in your world. She’s equally comfortable speaking one-on-one or in front of a thousand. I’ve seen her work effectively with affluent suburbanites, fast-track professionals, among the urban poor, and with African pastors. She will help you find ways to discover your gifts and then work with you to define and defend your dream.”
— Marilynn Chadwick, Author of Sometimes He Whispers, Sometimes He Roars, Speaker

“Do you long to identify and use your God-given gifts and talents to further God’s Kingdom but just don’t know how? Lisa has a passion for empowering women to identify their core values and strengths and effectively connect them with their gifts and talents. Lisa has spent several quality years in women’s ministry and brings with her not only a wealth of wisdom but also practical knowledge. Let Lisa design a message, ministry or lifestyle that works for YOU.”
— Wendy Blight, Author, Speaker, Bible Teacher

“Lisa has an influential message for all women; one that will have each member of your audience digging deep inside to rediscover the passion that’s been hidden away because it’s been replaced with a life of ‘busy’. Lisa is a powerful communicator whom you’ll glean wisdom from and who you’ll also want as your best friend! She connects with people on every level and meets you right where you are while helping you see your potential as a Christ follower.”
— Shari Braendel, President of Fashion Meets Faith

“ Lisa’s teaching is something you can leave with and immediately apply to your life. I love how relatable she is from the stage. You feel like you’re sitting across the table from her sipping coffee. She has a heart for each woman in her audience and it shows in the words she speaks. Lisa threads Scripture through every piece of her presentations making each teaching not only life-changing but also soul-shaping. Lisa truly is unique!”
— Katy McCown, President She Laughs Conference

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