Online Bible Studies

Declare the Good! {Week 1, Day 4}

September 17, 2020
“40 Days” by Proverbs 31 Ministries | P31 OBS Week 1 Verse

Hey, friend!

Is it okay to call you that? I feel connected through our time together discussing our deepest longings, and hope you do too.

I’ve been excited for this week! Purpose, more than any other longing, floods my thoughts. You know that question, “What do you fear most?” It’s an easy answer for me — dying before truly and fully living out my God-given purpose. Like a swimmer caught in an ocean rip current (a dangerous narrow current flowing outward from the beach), that fear can tear me away from shore, away from standing firmly with our God. That’s why I’m thankful for this week of study. It points the way back to shore!

Just like the best way to escape a rip current is to swim parallel with the shore, swimming parallel with God is the best way to overcome fear. How do we “swim parallel” with God? By staying in His Word.

As I’ve done this, God’s whispered hope over my fear...

It’s never too late to pursue the purposes I have for you.
You are living your purpose in ways you overlook in your everyday life.
The enemy can’t pull you off course when you stay focused on me.

We have enough fear vying for our attention. Let’s take a “thank break” like God does throughout Genesis 1. Let's declare the good He's creating in our lives!

Because staying in a posture of thanks helps us carry on in strength, we’ll take a “thank break” in the comments every Thursday. After our break, don’t forget today’s bookwork:


Let’s Chat!

Here are a few prompts from this week’s study to get us started sharing thanks:
     A friend or family member you’re grateful for (p. 13)
     The gift of God’s Word (p. 17)
     How you’ve experienced God’s tremendous grace in your life (p. 19)

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