Online Bible Studies

Just Slow Down {Week 4, Day 2}

October 6, 2020

Hi, friends!

When I’m participating in a Bible study, I often find myself going straight to the questions in the Study Guide. Then I might just skim through the reading. Is that terrible? (You don’t have to answer.)

I felt a little nudge about this while working on yesterday's lesson regarding patience of all things (Week 4, Day 1)! Can you believe it? It’s like the words on the page and the words God whispered to my heart both said, “Slow down, Alicia.”

So I did.

I put my pen and highlighter down and prayed. (You might remember that praying before the study is one of our tips from Foundations Week.) Then I began my study. And let me tell you, it made all the difference. As I read and answered questions, God filled my heart and my mind.

When I slowed down and answered the questions on page 83, I realized hurry causes us to miss God’s blessings. Not just when we study, but in other parts of life too. I realized, just like in David's life, God has orchestrated people in my life to encourage and help me. But I have to be willing to slow down and pray in order to recognize and embrace that blessing because asking for help is really hard for me.

Goodness! I would've missed that if God hadn't prompted me to slow down. I'm so thankful He is intentional to meet us in our everyday life and study time with His blessings and help. Let's be intentional in return. Let's slow down so we don't miss it.

Learning alongside you,


Today we’re working through:

Let’s Chat!

How's the "pray before you study" tip going for you? Is it helping you recognize God's help and blessings or, like me, do you need to slow down?

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