Online Bible Studies

Longing for Fulfillment {Week 6, Day 1}

October 19, 2020
“40 Days” by Proverbs 31 Ministries | P31 OBS Study


Katrina Wylie here, back again from Week 1! I look forward to spending another week with you. Wherever you’re at in the study, can I encourage you to jump in where we’re at today? We have some powerful readings coming our way! Lessons that will be all the more powerful together.

We’re going to see some parallels from what we studied all the way back in Week 1. Remember our bookwork on “The Fall” and “The Tower of Babel” and how those led to the longing for humanity to be restored, redeemed and reunited? Or reading about Abraham and how his story led to God’s promise to bless him and the nations through him? Well, this week is where it gets exciting, guys! This is the week we see THE answer for our longings and the promises of God FULFILLED.

This Week’s Longing:
Everything we’ve studied so far, everything that’s transpired, has led up to this point — God choosing to bring fulfillment in an unexpected, yet extraordinary way! This week’s longing is also exciting because, during Foundations Week, the longing for fulfillment was expressed as one of the top most relatable longings. So what do you yearn to be fulfilled? We’re about to experience God’s faithfulness in its fullest this week! Are you ready?

This Week’s Video:
From Pontius Pilate’s role in fulfilling God’s plan, to Pentecost’s part in fulfilling our longings, join hosts Kendra and Hannah, and teachers Wendy and Joel, to hear more about these topics we’re heading into.

Here are instructions to access closed captioning AND the video transcripts, if needed.

I’ve always been a results kind of gal, so I love seeing the long-awaited promises of God come together! I love how the vision, the bigger picture, becomes clear. God sent His Son, and His Son sent the Holy Spirit, ALL to fulfill God’s promises and our longings. It’s going to be a glorious week!

Today’s homework:

  • Week 6, Introduction and Day 1
  • John 12

As we get rolling, here’s the Study at a Glance to peek at.

May your longing for fulfillment be met in the pages of Christ’s story this week,


Let’s Chat!

Let’s answer what Kendra asked in today’s video: “Who can you share this message with? Who needs the hope of Jesus Christ in your life?” Just for fun, let’s also share “nay or yay” when it comes to roller coasters!

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