Online Bible Studies

Having Resolve Like Jesus {Week 6, Day 3}

October 21, 2020
“40 Days” by Proverbs 31 Ministries | P31 OBS Week 6 Verse

Friends, today’s readings on the crucifixion of Christ are tough. Between this “heavy” year, and this part in Jesus’ story being so familiar, I was tempted to skim it quickly. But instead, I prayed for fresh revelation and dove in with expectation. I hope you will, too.

The last time I studied the death of Jesus, I was overcome with awe and gratitude at all He endured for me! This time through, my awe for our Savior expanded as I recognized the resolve that remained in Jesus to fulfill God’s plan.

He stood firm, despite false accusations and being grouped with criminals.
He stood firm, despite rejection, ridicule and being mocked and insulted.
He stood firm, despite physical torture and incomprehensible pain.

He stood firm.

How have I stood when walking paths of persecution and pain? How have you? I’m made acutely aware of my flesh in the face of this question. If I’m honest, I tend to stand firm in my longings, pleading for God to fulfill them.

Lord, forgive us. Teach us.

In today’s passage, I noted three choices Jesus made that we can learn from:

  1. Jesus chose humility over pride.
    When brought before two leaders who had the power to release Him (Pilate and Herod), He didn’t defend His innocence or honor. He humbly remained mostly silent.
  2. Jesus chose others over self.
    If there was ever a time it’d be understandable for Him to focus on Himself, it’d be in these toughest hours of His life! Instead, He sought to serve, comfort and save others.
  3. Jesus chose to commit Himself into God hands over others'. 
    He did not cave to please Pilate, Herod or the people. He remained focused on fulfilling God’s plan, committing His spirit into His hands.

I’ve been challenged by these choices when I long for fulfillment. But now I find myself more challenged to respond with resolve like Jesus.

Take note of where/when/how Jesus made these choices and showed resolve as you do today’s readings:

May we all call out with loud voices today, “Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit.” May we all seek fulfillment in Jesus alone.

Calling out with you,


Let’s Chat!

When you’re longing for fulfillment, which of the three choices do you find most challenging and why? Is there one you need to make now?

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