Online Bible Studies

A Chiseled Soul {Week 1}

April 10, 2020
PSALM 139:24-25 | "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” | Week 1 Verse |  #DangerousPrayers #P31OBS

Hey, y’all! Today marks the end of our first week together in Dangerous Prayers. It's been a joy spending this time with you. Next week, Alicia Hunter will be leading us on the blog as we continue discussing and processing through our first prayer, search me, found in Psalm 139:23-24:

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

Before we get to next week, let’s spend some time talking through what it looks like for God to respond to such a prayer.

There’s sometimes a misconception that hearing from God means something big, like a loud, booming voice or a flashing neon sign. But God doesn’t always speak that way. In fact, He often speaks in a still, small voice. (1 Kings 19:11-13)

Practically speaking, what does that mean for us?

Well, when asked how he created his sculpture of David, famed artist Michaelangelo is quoted as saying, “It is easy. You just chip away the stone that doesn't look like David.”

That’s what I imagine God’s response to a “search me” prayer often looks like. Rather than an audible, obvious response, He pulls out His chisel and gets to work, putting us in situations that allow us to confront who we’ve become and see where we need to change.

Like that time I noticed an upturned floor mat in the grocery store and felt the need to flip it back over. But it would mean getting down on the floor to do it, and I was in my work clothes. Besides, I didn’t work there; it wasn’t my responsibility to do ... except I knew it was what I was supposed to do. I wrestled it through internally, then finally turned back around.

Yes, God, I thought, as I kneeled on the floor and took a few moments to settle the mat back where it belonged. In that moment, pride was chipped away to reveal humility.

THIS is the “search me” prayer in action.

And the more we open ourselves up to the process, the more ...

  • Selfishness is chipped away to reveal generosity.
  • Anger is chipped away to reveal love.
  • Unsettledness and fear is chipped away to reveal peace and trust.

Little by little, slowly but surely, those things of the world that have taken root within us are chiseled away to reveal our God-given identity beneath.

The “search me” process isn’t always easy  sometimes it’s downright painful  but in my estimation, it’s worth it. After all, our lives are meant to be a reflection to others of who God is, so I want my life to be the most beautiful reflection possible. Would you say the same of yours?

Thank you for an amazing first week!

Let’s Reflect!

What has God chiseled from you in the past, and what was revealed in its place? Is there something He’s working on chiseling from you now?

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