Online Bible Studies

From Me to You {Week 6}

May 15, 2020

Dear friend,

Just like that, we have wrapped up six weeks of learning how to pray dangerously. Can you believe it?

I want to be the first to congratulate you on making it this far. No matter where you are in this dangerous prayer journey, we know it’s where you’re meant to be. God has something for you and I want to encourage you right where you are.

  1. To the woman praying Search Me – Continue to dig deep into what God may be revealing to you. As we learned in Weeks 1 and 2, your prayers matter to God and He wants to speak something directly to your heart. Keep praying.
  2. To the woman praying Break Me – Don’t stop. The breaking hurts and it’s uncomfortable, but we know there is blessing on the other side of the breaking. Keep praying.
  3. To the woman praying Send Me – Keep your hands open to where He is sending you. God has chosen you to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Don’t ignore the promptings. Keep praying.

God is going to use us no matter where we are on this journey. All of us at Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies are so glad you decided to take this journey right alongside us. We’ll end the same way Pastor Craig ends in his book.

Close the book.

Open your heart.

Cry out to God.


And remember, “when you pray dangerously, your life simply can’t remain the same.”

I’ll see you soon!

Let’s Respond!

What has been your biggest takeaway from the study and how are you going to apply it to your prayers?

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