Online Bible Studies

I AM the True Vine

October 2, 2017
Finding I AM

Can we just take a second and marvel at the fact we made it to Week 5? My name is Kendra Schwarz and I’m your study leader this week.

Before we jump into the housekeeping items, I thought it would be good for us to get to know each other. Friendship is built on trust and what better way to build trust than to hear a confession. Right?!

Okay, here it goes ...

I haven’t done all of my homework this study. Cue gasp! And if you haven’t either, that’s OK! We’re starting Week 5 together with a clean slate.

Okay, one more confession. In today’s video you’ll notice I’m eating grapes. It took two takes because I was distracted by them and messed up what I was planning to say ... sigh.

Now that we have those two confessions out of the way, here’s the video, including helpful tips from Lysa TerKeurst for how to handle distractions as we study the Bible. And don’t forget we have closed captioning!

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If you can’t view the video above, watch here on YouTube.

Told you I was distracted. Ha!

In the video, Lysa gave us a beautiful illustration of how we’re connected to the vine, tended by our ultimate Gardner, God. In today’s book work you’ll read,

“We cannot do what God has called us to do without Him.” 

Might this serve as a little encouragement today?

We don’t want to miss out on all God’s called us to do. So this week, let’s be sure to do our study with Him so He can speak to us. As we flip open our books remember, Jesus is the vine. And He always has the branch's best interests in mind. He is in control.

Now let’s do this Week 5 thing, shall we? And to help us with that, here’s the Study Companion below where you’ll find additional free resources to keep you focused and encouraged.

Study Companion


Reflect and Respond:

How do you “set the scene” when you start your study time each day to limit distractions?

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