Online Bible Studies

Where Has It All Gotten You?

June 7, 2021
Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen | P31 Online Bible Studies

Ugh. I look terrible in this outfit. And I can’t believe how I messed up in that meeting! I always sound so stupid when I speak. What does it matter, though? No one likes me anyway. And why would they? There’s nothing about me TO like. There’s no reason to hope for something better. This is all I’ll ever be.

Any of those sound familiar? Well, did you know that, of the thousands of thoughts the average person thinks in a day, often a good 70% or more are negative? CRAZY, right? And the thing is, we keep getting stuck in this same downward spiral over and over again.

I’m Stacy Lowe, one of your study leaders for our next P31 OBS study, Get Out of Your Head, and I have a question to ask: Where has it all gotten you?

For real, I want you to consider this. What good thing has ever resulted from that kind of thinking?

I can’t come up with any.

When I consider the opposite, though, the list is endless. When my thoughts spiral out of control, I find myself feeling …

  • Anxious.
  • Adrift.
  • Down in the dumps.
  • Hopeless.
  • Out of sorts.

I could go on and on!

Yet as much as our human nature makes it easy to dwell there, that negative place doesn’t have to be our permanent address. God has something better for us. In fact, in Romans 12:2, Paul tells us that we can "be transformed by the renewal of [our] mind” (ESV).

And how do we do that, you may wonder? Well, that’s just what we’ll be learning together over the six weeks of our study.

If all that negative self-talk hasn’t helped you any more than it’s helped me, then why NOT give this a try? What do you stand to lose? Or maybe the better question is: What do you possibly stand to GAIN?

If you’re ready to stop this downward spiral once and for all, this is the study for you! So be sure you're registered, and then grab your book, grab your Bible and grab a friend to do this with you, and we’ll see you on June 28!


Let’s Chat:

What do you stand to gain by getting your thought life under control?

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