Online Bible Studies

An Action Plan for When Fear Shows Up! {Week 3}

July 10, 2020
Hidden Potential” by Wendy Pope | P31 OBS Week 3 Verse

Hey, friend!

Today we wrap up our discussion on fear. I don’t know about you, but studying fear was just what I needed to do this week. So much is going on in the world. It’s easy to panic and lose focus, especially now. Right?

With God, though, there are no coincidences. He pushes us to examine the role unhealthy fear has played in our lives: What has it cost us? What effect has it had on our potential and our spiritual growth? Most importantly, how do we change and conquer it?

The answer is in God’s Word. Look at what the psalmist David says in our Verse of the Week:

“When I am afraid, I will put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3 (NASB)

Trusting God needs to be our response to unhealthy fear. It’s our first step toward reaching our potential. Is this easier said than done? Absolutely! However, it can be done, with God’s help.

On page 94, Wendy lists out small steps we can take to develop our trust:

  1. Pause. Are your thoughts rational or irrational? Is your breathing deep or shallow? Do you feel anxious, confused or in a panic? If yes, pause.
  2. Pray. Admit out loud to God that you are afraid and need His peace. Tell Him you trust Him and know He will help you.
  3. Put off. Avoid making major decisions when you’re wrestling with fear.
  4. Put it in writing. Write down what’s happening — how you feel and how your body responds. Take notes so that over time you can recognize any patterns.
  5. Probe. Use God’s Word, commentaries and other biblical resources to be reminded of the truth. Look up Scriptures that address fear and peace. Write them down. Read them out loud. Post them where you’ll see them.

As we do these steps, our fears will start to fade, and more of our potential will be revealed. We’ll finally see it and trust God to help us live it. I look forward to that day! I’m going to print this list out, laminate it, and keep it with me. I’m calling it my action plan for when fear shows up!

Thanks for studying with me this week!


Let’s Chat!

What’s one fear you’re wrestling with this week? Which of the five steps above do you need to/will you put into practice?

For Your Weekend: 
Here’s the second “Possibility Profile” audio discussion! This one is with Wendy and Sherri and is almost 25 minutes. (Thank you, Wendy and Sherri!) Almost seven years ago, Sherri walked through an unexpected, painful season of loss. Her fears weren’t imaginary; they were very real. Yet she had hope, and now knows Jesus’ faithfulness more deeply. How is this possible? Let’s listen to find out!


Here is the transcript for the audio conversation if you need it!

P.S. In case you missed last week’s audio session, here it is again for you.

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