Online Bible Studies

When You Just Don’t Know

February 27, 2019
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Hey, friend!

If your journey through life so far were drawn out on a roadmap, what would it look like? Would it show your footsteps lined up neatly, taking you point to point in the easiest way possible? Or would it look more like a tangled, wandering web of lines? If your life has been anything like mine, I imagine it would be the latter.

Sometimes life just doesn’t add up. Sometimes it seems there’s no way we could be going in the right direction, and when we try to figure out the why behind it, we’re left with no choice but to shrug our shoulders and simply say, “I don’t know.” Enter these questions from page 180 of It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way, though …

“...what if life settling down and all your disappointments going away would be the worst thing that could happen to you? What if your ‘I don’t know’ is helping you, not hurting you? What if your ‘I don’t know’ is helping you let go of things you aren’t supposed to know, because that knowledge would be too heavy a burden for today?”

Well? What if?

Rarely in the midst of a confusing two-step of life have I ever found the answer to my why. But maybe that’s because you and I aren’t always meant to know. And truthfully, even if we DID, the answers may not satisfy our very human longing for a smooth, trouble-free life.

So, what do we do in those moments of wondering? We look to the character and heart of God to equip ourselves with fighting words. And what happens when we do? As Lysa says on page 188:

"Using God’s truth as your fighting words will not change what you see, but it will absolutely change how you see it."

In other words, fighting words help us fight BACK! Not against people or circumstances, but against the wrong notions and false ideas that often fill our heads in the midst of a storm. Fighting words give us something steady to hold on to, even while the ground shakes beneath our feet. They give us the strength to endure just one more day.

Eventually it WILL all make sense and we’ll get the answers we’re looking for, but it may not be this side of heaven. Until that time of understanding comes, though, we have our fighting words to help us keep going. So let’s stand firm, equip ourselves with God’s Word, and fight on together, friend!


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