Online Bible Studies

Encouraging Our Life

October 2, 2017

Hey sweet OBSer, Brenda here with you for another week! Wanna know something my fellow study leaders were surprised to learn about me?

Back in high school, I was a cheerleader. Yep. I LOVED cheering my team on to victory! So I thought, why not bring that girl back to encourage you to keep going through Week 5? And I have just the thing to start with — a cheer!

R-E-S-C-U-E, Rescue, Rescue, the girl within!

V-I-C-T-O-R-Y, Victory, Victory, for the win!

Well, that brought back some fun "girl within" memories! And now to jump-start us to victory, let's check out the game plan for this week in our P31 OBS Study Companion. It's sure to support us for a win! You can even go ahead and print the journal pages to write out some of your own cheers, just for fun!

Study Companion

While we're on the topic of cheering, do you know the best cheerleader this girl has? Yes, God! He sure does provide the best encouragement! And Sarah Travis is back, in this week's section of our Bible study, to show us how we can link His truths of encouragement through a method called verse chaining. If you like connecting the dots like me, you'll love working through this Bible study skill this week.

Bible Study

And don't forget to catch what's going on with our P31 OBS friends and do a little jump for Worthy Wanda! She knows the best ways to cheer up Betty Bummer, doesn't she? Plus, we have some encouragement from the "Chrystal's Still There" segment — all in today’s video!

(Note: our videos are closed-captioned)

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And before we go full on into our week, how about one last cheer stunt? ... Just kidding. Let's do go for the victory though, encouraging the girl inside us!

Your cheer coach this week,

Reflect and Respond:

What encouragement from today's video is cheering you on towards a win for your girl within?

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