Online Bible Studies

How to Satisfy Our Souls While Waiting

October 2, 2017
Wait and See

Hello! I’m Jen Folz, one of your Study Leaders for #WaitAndSee, joining you from South Carolina. I’m excited to dig deeper into Chapter 2 with you!

Has a certain season of life ever felt long to you? Me too!

When my girls were toddlers, the days of diapers and tantrums felt endless. I wondered, “God, is this it? Is this where you want me to be?”

Perhaps “toddlers” aren’t part of your wait. But whatever makes our days long, it can be hard for us to “see” God working. When we wait for plans to unfold, it may leave us feeling exhausted and depleted.

Yet, there’s good news! When we’re in a time of waiting (and as we heard in this week’s OBS video), Wendy Pope’s words from Chapter 2 of Wait and See can help:

“We have to allow God to do a work in us before he can do a work through us.” 

Reading this reminds me it’s in our wait where God does His private work. On days when we feel the clock isn’t moving, God’s at work in our hearts.

Phew! Learning to wait well is hard work, but it’s doable!

Check out these practical steps Wendy gives us to apply to our wait:

  • Love God and love others
  • Pray
  • Be in His Word by reading the Bible
  • Have a quiet time with the Lord

Are you doing these things in your wait?

If I’m being honest, I know to do these things; however, I can lose focus on them during my wait. But I love what Wendy says to help us remember why we want to take these steps:

“Our soul is most satisfied and our life is most effective when we are where God wants us to be, doing what He wants us to do.”

I don’t know about you, but I long for soul satisfaction. I long to “wait well.” Will you join me in asking God for eyes to see and a heart to embrace Him in the long days of our wait?

Reflect and Respond:

Observe — Which steps from Wendy (in the bullet list above) are you doing in your wait, and which do you need to work on?
Bible — Write out Psalm 16:8 as a prayer, replacing the pronoun “Him” with “You” and keep it with you throughout the week. How does this verse encourage you to keep your eyes on God?
Stretch — Ready to continue adding to your Chapter 10? This is where we apply what we’re learning to our wait, so don’t miss this! Turn to Chapter 10 and fill in your answers for the Chapter 2 section.

Still waiting on your book? We have the Intro + the first three chapters right here for you!

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