Online Bible Studies

Replacing Lies with Truth

October 2, 2017

WOW, friend! We’re already wrapping up Week 2 of #WaitAndSee. Time really does fly when you’re having fun.

I’m so excited to spend today with you! Shew! I don’t know about you, but this book is messing with me.

I don’t wait well, so I’ve learned to hide my impatience behind a stoic facade. Consequently, when I read Wendy Pope’s challenge in Chapter 3 of Wait and See, about getting personal in our wait, I was tempted to skip that part.

Because getting personal in my wait means removing the facade and unveiling all the YUCK I’m desperately trying to hide. ((Shudder))

It’s possible you are the model of patience. Getting personal with your wait might make you giddy with joy. Then again, maybe you’re like me and and the thought of getting personal with your wait makes you want to bolt.

Wherever we land on the waiting spectrum, these words from Wendy in Chapter 3 provide us the key to defeating the despair that can creep in while we wait:

“The truth is the beginning of our freedom.”

Let’s take a closer look at the word “truth.” Truth, according to, is defined as “the true or actual state of a matter.” And as we learn in John 17:17, God’s word is truth. So we can use it to be set free from the lies we’ve allowed ourselves to believe during our wait. To help us replace the lies with God’s truth, we put together a free PDF you can download, print and refer back to as needed, outlining the list from Chapter 3 of Wait and See: What We See, What God Sees, and What God Says.

Download Now

We sure hope you find this helpful!


Reflect and Respond:

Observe — From the “Truth About What God Sees” PDF above, pick one truth you’re rejoicing in today. I’m rejoicing in being more than a conqueror because of Christ! (Romans 8:37)
Bible — Pray Psalm 139:1-2 and Psalm 139:23-24, writing down your prayer in your journal to refer back to throughout this study.
Stretch — Wendy Pope’s back with us for our special “Don’t Rush the Wait” video teaching today! These are SO good. We encourage you to take some time to watch this week’s video below or listen to the audio version here. Then add your Week 2 #WaitandSee moment in your journal or notebook.

If you can’t view the video above, click here to watch on YouTube.

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