Online Bible Studies

Bible Study Companion {Week 2}

December 9, 2020

Hi, friend. My name is Micca Campbell. I'm an author and speaker with Proverbs 31 Ministries. I have the privilege of leading you through the Bible Study Companion this week. Together, we'll see how God always reveals Himself before He asks anything of us.

Have you ever wondered what God is like? Can He be described? Can we truly know God and relate to Him personally? Yes, we can!

Just like you and I have a deep desire to be known and understood, so does God. For that reason, He's taken the initiative to reveal His God-breathed revelation to us in the Bible.

Although God has made Himself known, there are times I still doubt Him. I find it hard to trust and worship God when life becomes challenging. Maybe you can relate.

People view God in many different ways. Some see God as distant, vengeful and angry. Others perceive God to be like Santa Claus. Without having the right understanding of who God is, you and I will never trust His ways and His will. We will judge His measures instead of trusting His heart.

These distorted views of God's character keep us from experiencing God the way He desires. And He wants nothing more than to have a close, personal relationship with us.

My relationship with God soared to new heights when I diligently sought to know God personally as revealed in His Word. Now, when adversity strikes, I can trust and worship God no matter my circumstances.

So, will you join me this week for practical teaching on the revelation of God? It will change your relationship, heighten your faith and cause you to worship Him like never before.

Ready? We'll begin on page 13 of our Bible Study Companion.


Let's do it!


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