The book of Judges looks like a mess. Story after story, we see Israel struggle to learn from their mistakes.
Left to our own devices, we can make things messy too. The Israelites, like us, needed someone to help them. They needed a king. But not just any king; they needed the King of kings, Jesus. And we do too.
When we can’t escape our own cycle of mistakes, Jesus breaks the cycle.
When we think our past disqualifies us from being used by God, Jesus makes a way for our past to be redeemed.
When we think there’s no way to recover from what we’ve done, Jesus forgives us and wipes our slate clean.
This resource will help you:
- Combat the shame you feel from mistakes you've made and see how God used other people who messed up too.
- Stop hiding from God when you feel too far gone, and better understand His faithfulness and grace toward you.
- Easily access Truth from God's Word when you are struggling; these are beautifully designed reminders you can have on your phone with you wherever you go.