Online Bible Studies

Who Do YOU Say God is? {Week 2, Day 3}

September 23, 2020
“40 Days” by Proverbs 31 Ministries | P31 OBS Week 2b Quote

Hi, friends!

I’m Nancy Voyles, and I’m excited to be here with you today! Let’s dive in!

You know the burning bush God used to speak to Moses in Exodus Chapter 3? Working through today’s study reminds me of a time my husband joked about needing a burning bush of his own from God.

Quick background. We sold our existing house and were searching for an affordable home big enough for our family, but nothing was meeting our needs. Then our realtor told us about a house in a city my husband did NOT want to explore. His exact words were, “If God wants me to live there, He better give me a burning bush.” In other words, if this was our house, he needed to hear from God in a big way!

Well, we bought that house. God miraculously orchestrated things so that all our needs (and then some) were met!

And then, not a year later, when the economy crashed and we lost half the home’s value and a substantial amount of our income overnight, we started questioning God. Why did He bring us to that house?

These circumstances started my humbling journey to explore who I believed God to be. Did I believe Him to simply be the Provider, the Bread of Life, the Good Shepherd? OR did I believe Him to be my Provider, my Bread of Life, my Good Shepherd?

You see, all my life I looked at God working things out for the greater good and forgot how personally He loved me and wanted to work things our for my good as well.

Through that difficult time, God taught me what Wendy Blight sums up on page 40 of The Answers to Our Deepest Longings:

“Who we are is not nearly as important as who He is.”

My questions, my doubt, my fears — they don’t change who He is, but knowing who God is changes who I am! Though that time was difficult and stretched me, I am grateful for how God used it to teach me the meaning of “I AM WHO I AM," for teaching me who He is.

In today’s bookwork, we study someone who doubted God’s assignment for him because of his circumstances. God used this time to teach Moses that who he was wasn't as important as who God is, just like He did me. Let’s go there now.

Learning alongside you,


Let’s Chat!

What circumstance is God using to teach you about who He is? How does knowing who He is change the way you view your circumstance?

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