Online Bible Studies

When Pigs Fly

December 15, 2017
5 Habits Online Bible Study

Howdy, OBSer! Missy Pettigrew here, and what a joy it is to be able to wrap up Habit Four with you.

Over the years, I have uttered the words, “I’ll reach my goal weight when pigs fly!” more times than I can count. I keep stacking up those dieting mistakes. Are you with me?

Hard, harder and hardest, I keep trying to get this healthy eating thing right. It feels like I have to skimp on the fun I used to have when I would eat out with friends because, bread basket! And my poor family … irritation rears its ugly head toward my family’s needs, so different than my own when I’m aiming for a healthier me.

But, as soon as I read this question from Chapter 8, a light bulb went off in my head (and, more importantly, in my heart):

“Right now, what is it like to be on the other side of me?”

Amidst the struggle to make wise choices, that little Quitzilla voice inside of me is a constant. With each piece of deliciousness I have to pass up, it gets louder. I get irritated. And weary of waiting for obvious results. And you know what? I’m finally seeing that it’s just not fun to be “on the other side of me.”

Oh, that Nicki Koziarz … she is one wise woman!

I also realized that this is the perfect time to practice Habit Four, “She gives others what she needs.” Instead of complaining and moaning about how rotten it is that everyone else can eat what they want and I have to eat, well … not what I want to eat, I can turn my focus off of myself and put it on others. What might they need?

Between Habit Four, that oh-so-helpful reflective question Nicki Koziarz provided, and with God on my side, I finally believe I can break out of this cycle! In fact, instead of stacking mistakes, I’m determined to stack emotional generosity on those around me.

Wait a minute! What’s that I see sprouting behind me? Wings!

Reflect and Respond:

Observe — Nicki reminds us that waiting well involves giving God our expectations. What’s an expectation you have that you need to give to God? Record it in your P31 OBS Journal and get ready to watch God move!
Bible — Use an online Bible tool such as or your Bible’s concordance, and search for verses with the word “wait” in them. Which one speaks into your current waiting situation? My personal favorite is Isaiah 40:31, which says those who wait for the Lord will “renew their strength” and “run and not be weary.” I’m clinging to that promise. Write out yours!
Stretch — Let’s practice some emotional generosity, friend! Ask God to bring to mind anyone who could benefit from what you need. Record what He puts on your heart and seek ways to practice Habit Four as you grow that emotional generosity.

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