Online Bible Studies

When Heaven and Earth Collide

November 15, 2019
“The child in the cradle became the King on the cross.” - Max Lucado  #BecauseOfBethlehem | Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies Week 1 #P31OBS

Hey there!

It’s Stacy, back with you again to finish out our week.

Earlier this week, we talked about the hope of Immanuel, God with us. Because of that truth, we’ll never have to face anything alone. Good stuff right there! Heaven did indeed collide with earth in that holy moment of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, but that wasn’t the end of His story. In fact, it was just getting started!

So what next, once we’ve settled in our hearts that He is with us always? We follow His lead.

Jesus came to show us He knows what it’s like — that He understands grief and joy, temptation and triumph — but then He went beyond that. As Max Lucado says in Because of Bethlehem,

“The child in the cradle became the King on the cross.”

Jesus, our Savior! He saw us in our place of need and, rather than look past us, HE DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

This is the example set before us, that rather than focusing solely on our needs, we look to the needs of others as well and go running to them with the hope we’ve found. Just as heaven was brought to earth that holy night in Bethlehem, we bring heaven to others when we act as the hands and feet of Jesus by sharing in their burdens.

As you soak in these next few weeks and walk through the Christmas season, take a look around and see who needs to be reminded they’re not alone. Offer a hug, a listening ear, or a much-needed word of encouragement. You never know — the love and hope you pour out to others just may boomerang back to your own heart as well!


Let’s Chat:

Is there someone in your world who could use the hope of Immanuel, God with us, this season? How can you shift your focus and share that hope with them?

Don’t forget! Each comment on the blog this week will enter you for a chance to win this week’s giveaway!

For Your Weekend:
Use the Study at a Glance to come up with your plan of attack for Week 2!

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