Online Bible Studies

The Ultimate Sign From God

November 27, 2019
"God will not leave us in the dark." - Max Lucado  #BecauseOfBethlehem | Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies Week 3 #P31OBS

Hey ladies, it’s Nancy back with you today!

This morning I sat on my deck, sipped coffee and watched the sunrise. I found peace during the moments when the colors of the sky turned from dark of night to a bright orange band on the horizon. While waiting for the sun to make its appearance, signaling the new day, I took time to plan and finalize my mental list of everything that needed to get finished.

If I’m honest, this is also where I missed God. I missed “His sign.” I missed His glory in that sunrise because I was too focused on ME and all that I had to accomplish.

Confession! I have been busy lately. I am in a season where I haven’t been spending as much time with God as normal. It happens to us at times. Our focus shifts to “other things” and we miss God’s goodness. But that doesn’t mean He gives up on us. Max Lucado points out in chapter 7 of Because of Bethlehem:

“God uses every possible means to communicate with you. The wonders of nature call to you. The promises of prophecies of Scripture speak to you. God himself reaches out to you. He wants to help you find your way home.”

Praise! God is reaching out to help me, and you, find our way home to Him. But if I am not paying attention, just like when I missed His glory in the sunrise, I miss out on other signs of His presence as well.

I am thankful that this week’s study is reminding me:

"God will not leave us in the dark. He is the pursuer, the teacher. He won’t sit back while we miss out. So he entered our world."

Jesus became a part of our world! The ULTIMATE sign from God. How awesome is that? He's still filling our world with His presence.

This season, I pray that in the midst of the hustle and bustle, we’ll all make time to look up and see God’s signs. That we’ll let His signs lead us to Scripture, filling us with His presence, hope and the reason for the season!

Remember, our weekly memory verse tells us:

“The heavens declare the glory of God.” Psalm 19:1 (NKJV)

Let us declare His glory along with the heavenly host of angels.

Let’s Chat:

Are you too busy this Advent season to notice signs that lead you to God? What is one thing you can do today to stop and notice God? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Don’t forget, all blog comments will be entered for a chance to win this week’s giveaway! (Details in Monday’s blog.)

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