Online Bible Studies

"Zoe Life"

October 2, 2017

Brenda here, excited to spend this special day with you, just you and me, and a personal story of mine.

In the last video we shared, Lysa TerKeurst talked about how the one thing she loved was Jesus' pictures for these "I AM" statements. And because I love pictures too, here's one for us to visualize the story I have for us today.

Meet my niece, Zoe:

Finding I AM

The name "Zoe" means "life." Just like our "I AM" statement this week. How cool is that?

My niece's life, however, didn't begin 100% normal. After a blood test, the doctors didn't give her much hope! Feelings of fear and sadness marked her life. I remember praying and speaking the name of Jesus, Life Giver, over her precious body. But did you know that, by saying her name, we were speaking the very essence of Jesus' "Zoe life" into her body? Remarkable, huh?

Like this quote from this week's reading says:

"Even if our circumstances aren't good, God's purpose always is." 

Zoe Alexis, my niece is almost 12 years old now.

You know what? She did exactly what her name Zoe Alexis means. And her health issues? They didn't have the final say, actually, but God did! He took Zoe's life and created purpose the very day she was born. Just like He did for you and me.

Today, I want to leave you an encouraging word, if I may? When you became God's child, He wrapped you with purpose. With life. He gave you His Life. So when circumstances don't look pleasing, let's remember they're not the final destination. Let's speak life. Because His Life has the final say!

Reflect and Respond:

How does knowing Jesus gave YOU life bring you comfort?

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