Online Bible Studies

Misunderstood by People. Understood by God.

February 13, 2023

Welcome to Week 4! I'm Alicia, and I’m excited to join you as your leader for the rest of the study. 

When I was in high school, I wore a pin on my letter jacket that said, “misunderstood.” It had its own place among the plethora of other pins I collected as souvenirs from band competitions and other events. Each pin represented something about me or my high school experience I wanted to proclaim and remember. Except the “misunderstood” pin, instead of describing my personality, captured one of my greatest fears: being misunderstood.

My goal then, as it often is now, was to be accepted and loved. If I’m being honest, I don’t think I ever lost those feelings of insecurity from when I was a teenager, at least not completely. I still spend too much time wondering and worrying what others think about me. 

In this week’s reading, Lysa helps us tackle this issue by reminding us that God’s Word should be the foundation for our identity rather than who those around us think we should be. What an important perspective shift that is for me!

We’ve worked up to this point; now, let’s take a deep breath and get ready as we read Chapters 7-9. At the end of chapter 7, Lysa encourages us to “sit with” this week’s material for a bit. The content and questions she poses are tough, so let’s take her advice. I’ll be listening to praise music and drinking a cup of tea while I capture my thoughts in My Personal Boundaries Journey. How will you reflect and remember what we’re reading? (Lysa gives us great ideas on Page 114.)

We can do this, friend!


Let’s Chat!

Remember how I mentioned being misunderstood? Let’s flip the script. What are some qualities you like about yourself that you want to make sure other people experience when they spend time with you?

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