Online Bible Studies

Battle Ready {Week 2}

July 1, 2020
"Hidden Potential" by Wendy Pope | P31 OBS Week 2 Quote

I am captivated by the way firefighters fearlessly run into a burning building. These men and women are equipped to face this enormous challenge. They are highly trained, wear proper clothing, and carry the necessary tools.

While most of us aren’t called to run into physical flames, we do face “battle fires” every day. Our fight is not against flesh and blood, though. It’s against spiritual darkness. (Ephesians 6:12)

Scripture tells us the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10) He tears apart relationships, families, marriages, communities and nations. But what divides us does not have to destroy us. We are not defenseless. Scripture tells us we are MORE than conquerors. (Romans 8:37)

To fight our battles, Jesus gives us what we need: the Word of God. When we pray and study the Bible, God equips us for the fight. THEN we have courage to run toward what divides us, with the love that brings healing and unity.

God is for us, not against us.

Our first Bible Study Companion lesson is a powerful one that helps us understand that the enemy schemes against us, trying to steal our potential. Study Leader Stacy Lowe walks us through each piece of “equipment” that we “put on” so we are ready for the battle before us. Let's download our copy of the companion and dig into this week's portion on pages 2-14.


Are you ready for battle?

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Where has the enemy tried to steal your potential? How have you used God's Word to fight your battle?

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