Online Bible Studies

A Helpful Resource for You!

August 9, 2021

Hi, friends! I’m Missy, and I am one of your study leaders for Mom Set Free by Jeannie Cunnion.

Being a mom is hard, so I’m thankful you’re joining us! By signing up for this study, you will realize you aren’t alone in this journey.

As we prepare to begin on Tuesday, September 7, I want to share a helpful tool that will guide you through our time together.

Our "Study at a Glance" is a visual, printable calendar that simply shows what is happening on any given day of the study. This handy guide will let you know what week of the study we are on and what we’ll be reading.

Want to know when you will receive an email from the study leaders? It’s in the Study at a Glance. Don’t want to miss out on the live social media events? They're listed, too! Referring back to this resource throughout the study will answer many of your questions and save time for you.


As a mom, I know that seeing an entire calendar full of events can be overwhelming. But if you are like me, don’t worry! Take a look at it to get a general idea, but know that we will also preview each week of study for you in our Monday emails.

And remember, this is a guilt-free zone! We are raising children, and life can be crazy at times, right? So there’s no shame in choosing only what works for your family’s schedule.

Are you ready to be set free, mom? I’m excited to be with you on this journey, and I will be praying for you!


Let’s Chat!

After looking over the Study at a Glance, what are you looking forward to participating in?

P.S. Still have questions? Check out our Help Desk!

Check your inbox tomorrow for a video from our study leaders, including a sneak peek at what’s to come!

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