Hi, friend!
Let me tell you: I love a good Christmas song about Jesus. Fond memories of singing hymns from my tattered red hymnal this time of year make me smile. As a child, I didn’t always understand what I was singing about. But the music, instruments and harmonies would still bring tears to my eyes. Now that I'm older, scriptures put to song are what I love most.
And guess what that means? Playing Christmas music as often as possible is a must in the Patton household right now. Ha!
In fact, one song that has come up frequently this very week is “O Holy Night.” Have you heard it? Part of the chorus says,
“Fall on your knees, O hear the angel voices!
O night divine! O night when Christ was born."
Those lyrics beautifully express the joy you and I will feel when we truly stop and think of Jesus’ birth. How mysterious it is that when we focus on Jesus, we usher in joy. On busy days. On hard days. Even on long days. All jokes aside, a week or so ago, I ugly-cried about something hard. But then I thought about Jesus. Without warning, joy overwhelmed me. What a moment!
Going through that prompted me to pray for you. From season to season, I pray that Jesus fixes your focus on Him. And that you experience His joy in your life's difficult moments.
Blessings and joy to you, my friend.
Let’s Chat!
What's one thing you're doing to refocus on Jesus this Christmas season? If you haven't done anything yet, what's one thing you'd be willing to try?