Online Bible Studies

From Focused To Faithful

September 29, 2017

Hello there, friend!

In our last study blog post we talked about how in both photography and life, focus is a must! Once our focus is honed in, though, what's next? Today I’m going to take you into the darkroom — the DIGITAL darkroom that is!

Contrary to what some may think, photography is about way more than just pushing a button on a camera. In fact, it’s in the darkroom that an image begins to come to life! It’s in the darkroom where the tweaks happen — those little adjustments that come together to create something truly spectacular.

We have a darkroom of sorts in our lives, too. It’s that quiet place away from the world’s prying eyes where we fine-tune our behaviors and choices to match the direction of our focus and keep us heading in the right direction. That fine-tuning comes in the form of self-discipline.

Check out what Chrystal Evans Hurst has to say in Chapter 20 of She’s Still There:

“The discipline with which you live your life will be the foundation on which you live a life you love. Discipline isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. Do what you have to do now, so you can do what you want to do later.”

She's Still There

So what does that discipline look like? It looks like recognizing that what we’re after is worth far more than the temporary pleasures of today. It looks like saying no to ourselves in favor of the later, greater good. It looks like doing what we know is right, even when doing what we know is wrong would be so much easier.

And the more we submit ourselves to this fine-tuning process, the more God can use us and move us in the direction He is calling us!

As our verse this week, Luke 16:10a (NLT), tells us,

"If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones."
She's Still There 

Reflect and Respond:

How can seeking God daily help you move toward the answer for the girl inside you? What does seeking God daily look like for you?

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