Online Bible Studies

Dreamer to Dreamer {Week 4}

October 1, 2021

Dear Dreamer,

I know it’s hard to trust the Truth when the dreams we’ve dreamed seem like distant memories and we find ourselves disappointed and disillusioned by a life that looks nothing like we thought it would. 

We feel unseen, unloved, unqualified and ill-equipped. 

These feelings can lead us to make not-so-great choices that leave us striving for acceptance and longing for purpose. Consequently, we start to accept less than God’s best for our lives and attempt to convince ourselves it’s good enough.

But friend, we don’t have to settle for "good enough" when our God has so much more in store for us!  

So how about this?

Starting right here. Right now. Let’s commit to stop allowing ourselves to be defined by anyone or anything other than who HE says we are.

Fully known. Wholly loved. Uniquely called. Divinely equipped. 

Goodness, how would our lives look if we lived known, loved, called and equipped by the God of all creation? 

For me, it would look like …

Running full speed ahead into my next assignment from God instead of hesitating along the way, wondering what others may think. 

Resting peacefully in my Savior’s love for me regardless of the chaos in the world around me. 

Trusting that God’s call on my life isn’t dependent upon my own strength but that His strength is made perfect in my weakness. 

Surrendering my "good" plans for God’s best. 

Maybe, for you, this looks like confidence in God’s plan, or peace in the midst of life’s storms. 

Or perhaps it’s believing once and for all in God’s goodness and grace, trusting in Him as Savior and accepting His forgiveness of your sins and the promise of eternal life with Him. 

I’d love to hear your dream of how these truths will change your life as you cease striving for acceptance and live out your God-given purpose!  Because, sister, when we allow ourselves to live in the freedom of who we are in Christ, we’re unstoppable!  



P.S. Share your heart with us in our Facebook Community Group or in the comment section of Monday’s newsletter. I can’t wait to see you there!

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