Online Bible Studies

Dreamer to Dreamer {Week 5}

October 8, 2021

Dear Dreamer,

I love a good road trip! It doesn’t matter if I’m traveling with my family for vacation or just out for a nice Sunday drive with my husband — the joy is in the journey! 

Even the road I travel each day to work is lovely. There are miles of country landscape — rolling fields, barns, cows, ponds and mountains. But what I love most about the road is the sunrise I drive toward. I count on it to be there, and every day it takes my breath away. When I see it, I am reminded immediately of God, His promises and His glory. When I look at that display of His handiwork I forget my troubles and focus on the beauty before me.

But some mornings are rainy and dreary, and the sky isn’t filled with breathtaking reds and yellows. It’s on those mornings I find myself needing to remember the sun is still there. On cold winter mornings, the mountains are dark and skies are gray. On foggy mornings, my lights are on, and I slow down and rely on the lights of others. But I have to remember the sun is still there, too. Even though I can’t see the sunbeams or feel the warmth, it’s still there.

It’s pretty similar to the road I travel in my life. Most days, most seasons, are filled with moments, weeks and years when I know God is with me because I can see Him working so clearly in my life. Other times are just plain hard, too much like driving down a foggy road. Those are times I have to remind myself that God is with me even when I can’t see Him or feel Him. Believing in what we can see is one thing; believing in the unknown requires faith. 

God has been with me as my journey has taken what feel like many detours and winding roads. I’m going to guess you’ve had times like that, too. I’m praying that, whether life has you on a foggy road or a beautiful, scenic route, you are encouraged to live by faith rather than what you see. 2 Corinthians 5:7 (NIV) tells us: “For we live by faith, not by sight.” I’m praying that your faith is strengthened as you experience God’s dream of you, and that you know He is still there, even when you struggle to believe it.

Keep walking in faith!



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